Sunday, 29 March 2009

Change of Title

Following some gentle teasing from my very good friend WhyNotSmile, I have changed the title of the blog from the somewhat mundane "Wesley Johnston's Blog". Alas, this change does mean the removal of the much-lauded apostrophe, but I think it is a sacrificing worth making.

In practice, now that I have one follower, this post will essentially be read by just that person. However, in the vain hope that at some point in the future people may be reading back over this blog in an attempt to piece together my life, I must still write in a tense that suggests I am addressing the Internet as a whole.

In that context, therefore, I recommend all my visitors to check out WhyNotSmile, a blog that manages to combine wit with insight and intelligence. Lots of mutual back patting all round.

And believe me, there will be plenty of posts about roads coming up. Not just about the roads themselves (the widened M2 is due to open any day now!) but also road theory (just why is it that Sandyknowes is so bad?) and transport theory (are cars really THAT evil?).

Finally, I have now been mocked for choosing white-on-black as my blog theme. Although a computer scientist by training, my approach to computers has always been "choose the default setting and keep life simple". If enough people complain about the colour, I will endeavour to change it. In the meantime, I will try to provide colour through the content of my posts.


  1. *sigh* Now I have to go to MY blog and change your name to 'Dotted White Line'. Which is a nice name, by the way. And I like how you would've put an apostrophe in, had it been needed.

    The black and white is nice, though. I like it. Also means that when you add photos, they won't clash hideously with the rest of the blog.

  2. Sorry to cause you so much hassle. As for punctuation and correct grammar - I think their very important, you really shouldnt let standards slip
